
‘Dear messengers of light,
we greet you from our cosmic heights and dimensions.
We would like to draw your attention to further cosmic activities that will increasingly set earthly events in motion.
The highly vibrating cosmic light that is streaming onto your planet will connect more and more with the light energy of human beings and bring them an increased need to follow the truth and the path of true realisation.
This cosmic light that has now found its way to you is accompanied by the frequency of divine justice and divine knowledge of its own nature.
Many people will therefore find within themselves an increased need and courage to follow the truth in search of its revelation. They will search for everything that carries justice and is built on a foundation of independence and authenticity.
Many people will feel a strength and determination in themselves through this cosmic light that they have not known before.
Many people will increasingly recognise what is not based on truth and what has been artificially created.
The luminous vibration of this cosmic light connects with the vibration of your solar plexus chakra and thereby activates or deepens the intuition and intuitive perception within you.
The cosmic light that will now flow to you through the opened and activated portals will help people to find the purest in themselves and in their surroundings. You could say that this will initiate the next step in humanity’s ‘light revolution’, which will contribute to discovering the truth and finding what is essential.
From a higher perspective, this next step could be linked to a further successful exit from the realms of illusion and lies.
It is possible that these steps will bring human society into further ‘movement’, but be aware that every movement of human society, accompanied by the power of the cosmos and its light frequencies, ultimately leads to a bright future.
We are with you and we accompany you.
Your Pleiadian companions
Suitable affirmations to activate your intuition:
‘I am absolutely connected to the frequency of my own intuition.’
‘I raise the frequency of my own intuition through the power of my will’
‘The purest cosmic light activates my intuition.
‚Good functioning of the chakras helps people to develop their consciousness. The information of divine intelligence can flow to the person in a targeted way and the chakras can decode it more easily. Your chakras are like deciphering „organs“ full of light for the information of divine intelligence. ✨
When functioning well, your chakras are portals of light through which you can virtually travel to other worlds and other realities. All you need to do is connect to the individual chakra – the portal. ✨
In each chakra, there are entrances to worlds in different dimensions of you. You can virtually travel into the past and also into the future in them. But you can also use the power of this moment and connect with your present. ✨
The portals of your chakras connect you with your soul, your spirit, your body and the wider events of your subtle and physical world. ✨
The Pleiadians (…and your Pavlina Klemm)