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Month: December 2024

✨ Message December 2024 ✨

✨ Message December 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

the end of your earthly human year 2024 is approaching. This year has brought a wave of tremendous cosmic energy that has begun to illuminate many areas of human society. It has begun to illuminate, enlighten and bring clarity to people. We have called this year ‘the year of clarity’. The bright energy of the cosmos and the energy of the angels and light beings have brought clarity to human life, human relationships and human society. That which is not true and which is not in accordance with the cosmic laws of clarity, order and higher consciousness will not be able to remain on this globe for long and will sooner or later transform into a new, clear form.

The clear cosmic energy and the flood of cosmic energies have positively influenced the collective consciousness of humanity. Humanity has opened the gates to cosmic consciousness with its expanded consciousness.

In the past month of November, the consciousness of humanity has connected with the consciousness of peaceful extraterrestrial civilisations through positive world events. The first connection with the cosmic people living in your galactic system in subtle form has been achieved! For the first time since the fall of Atlantis, the connection of many cosmic people with human civilisation on the level of consciousness has been achieved!
This is an enormous milestone on the way to further progress in the connection of the cosmic people of this galaxy.
The Cosmic Higher Council regularly measures the energy level of humanity’s consciousness and has been very pleased with this gigantic manifestation.
The higher task of humanity in its future is to once again become full members of the cosmic community.
The first step towards the interconnectedness of the cosmic people – so far in a subtle form of consciousness – has been taken.
The consciousness of humanity has connected with the cosmic consciousness in a subtle way.

You are on the right path, focus on the positive and on the power of the positive collective. Don’t look back to a past that no longer serves you. Look forwards and move forward. The power of the cosmos accompanies you. If you are still carrying difficulties and burdensome issues with you, try to resolve and transform them with the power of love.
The next human year 2025 will be the ‘Year of Integration’.
Focus on moments of happiness and success that carry multidimensional power and connect you with the multidimensionality of the universe.
We are with you and we accompany you.
Your Pleiadian Companions ✨

The children of the future ✨👫👫👫🌎✨

The children of the future ✨👫👫👫🌎✨

‘The souls of the cosmic children who are preparing to incarnate on planet Earth are noble, wise, light-filled beings. They are looking forward to visiting this planet for the first time in their incarnation, where they have not been before. ✨

These children bring great divine gifts not only to their future families, but also to the entire human community and planet Earth. They bring divine frequencies that they carry in their loving, light-filled souls. ✨

These children are very much looking forward to coming down to this planet. They prepare for this arrival down to the last detail. They are preparing for the higher task they will fulfil here on this planet. They are specifically choosing their new family and are already connecting with them energetically and giving them impulses for their healing and for their development of consciousness. ✨🦋✨

The Pleiadians ✨ (…and your Pavlina Klemm) 🌹