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Month: January 2025

✨ New Year’s message 2025 ✨

✨ New Year’s message 2025 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
We greet you from our star planes and bring you a message for your new earthly year 2025.
We have named this year the ‘Year of Integration’.
During 2025, countless cosmic frequencies will come to you that will uplift your being on all levels.
You will receive luminous cosmic information that will expand your consciousness and strengthen your connection with the cosmic world.
The divine imprints – holograms – that will come to you through the open and activated portals from the divine source will help you to develop your divine perfection and they will bring you everything that belongs to you.
The divine holograms that will come to you in the form of radiant, subtle geometric shapes will connect with your systems. Your body, mind and spirit will integrate them into all their systems.
The Cosmic Council is very pleased to be able to share this information with you. For the divine holograms will flow through your ether and each of you will be able to connect with them. These holograms carry light, love, cosmic frequencies, sounds, colours and everything essential that is in the divine source and that connects you to it.

The divine holograms, which will merge with your systems, will bring you your perfection, the development of your DNA, health, creative power, the development of your subtle perception and everything you need for your development. Above all, sojourns in nature will enable you to integrate the divine holograms into your life.
The influx of luminous energies and information helps to purify human civilisation and at the same time helps it to raise its consciousness by another level.
The consciousness of humanity, which reconnected with the consciousness of peace-loving extraterrestrial civilisations for the first time since the fall of Atlantis in November 2024, will increase its intensity even more.
Each of you has the opportunity to connect to the positive collective field of humanity through your intention. This will allow the cosmic energy to connect more strongly with your consciousness. This will allow each of you to feel a huge influx of life force in this new year. The life energy will come to you in waves and you will be able to enjoy this empowering energy that you have been waiting for.
You are the ones who are able to integrate it into the systems of your mind and soul.

Another great cosmic event that will help the collective of your civilisation is the return of the lost words of the German language. Not only the holograms of the divine source, but also the holograms of the words that were taken from the German speaking people will come to your systems. The words that were once taken from the German language by the dark forces are keys to knowledge and keys to rediscovering your own freedom. The words, which initially come in subtle form, flow through your ether just like the divine imprints and connect with people who are able to integrate them into the systems of their spirit and soul.
These people will themselves become ‘keys’ to the lost knowledge and freedom of the soul.
The year of integration will be an important time period for the next evolutionary stages of the human soul, mind and body. Even though a countless amount of cosmic frequencies will come to your planet, it is necessary to get rid of negative issues that inhibit you in your consciousness evolution and that hinder you in the process of integration and connection with your divine perfection.

The year 2025 will bring you enormous positive opportunities that you should not miss out on.
This year will see major changes affecting the political, economic and financial systems. The changes come hand in hand with the thoughtful actions of peace-loving humans and peace-loving extraterrestrial civilisations participating in the overall consciousness evolution and liberation programmes of humanity.
Although the negative side will try to maintain its position and will endeavour to ensure that the planned changes are not implemented, the power and energy of the negative side will become weaker and weaker.
Do not allow your thought processes to connect with the fields of illusion, manipulation, lies and injustice. Stay in the fields of clarity, purity and truth.
You decide which direction you take and which morphogenetic fields you connect to. Believe that your thoughts become stronger with each passing day. With each day you have an increased capacity for manifestation. Please remember this phrase: ‘Energy follows the thoughts of your mind.’

In order for you to successfully connect to all the divine gifts that will come into your planet’s time frame, it is best to go out into nature as often as possible. Connect with the earth, connect with the element of air and with the element of water. Connect with the plants and with all beings of nature.
Connect with the subtle rays of the sun. For the sun is a portal for accessing the holographic imprints from the divine source to your planet.
By virtue of your intention, connect with all the cardinal points and with their angels, their patrons. North – element earth – Archangel Uriel. West – element water – Archangel Gabriel. East – element air – Archangel Rafael. South – element fire – Archangel Michael.
Connect with Archangel Metatron, who is the patron saint of your planet and its people.
Forgive with all your heart all those who have hurt you. Forgive yourself for hurting your soul through your actions.
Consciously connect to the moment of the here and now and thereby allow everything that connects you to your divine home to flow into your systems.
The year of integration is opening up for you right now.
Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian Guides ✨

(Channeling – Pavlína Klemm)