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Author: Pauline Brunnerova

✨ The angels of clarity have descended into the period of planet Earth✨

✨ The angels of clarity have descended into the period of planet Earth✨

Dear messengers of light, this time brings new insights. Above all, the recognition of the self. Issues, and especially hidden issues, are opening up and allowing many people to recognize their inner selves and programs that have been hidden in the depths of their inner selves. For many people, life has almost turned inside out as a result. As a result, many people lose their mental and/or physical stability, their vitality and often also their overview of their life events during this time. The spiritual world and its beings who accompany and observe you, know about this new situation and bring you all supportive strength, hope and energy. The spiritual world has sent beings of light to your planet who are responsible for precisely those situations in which people lose their strength and sometimes also their faith in the good. We call them the “angels of clarity”. We have also named this year the “Year of Clarity”. And it is precisely this year that many people will gain clarity. Clarity about their inner selves, clarity about their life issues and clarity about programs that are still weighing them down. ✨

It is enough to know about the presence and existence of these beautiful beings and it is enough to ask these loving beings for help. Ask them to carry their clear energies into your lives and into your hearts. These angels are delighted when you invite them into your lives. Their current task, which they have brought here from the world of light, is to help you. Helping you brings them infinite joy. The energy of these angelic beings of clarity is, as their name suggests, wonderfully clear and transparent. Their light-filled vibration is connected to the vibration of Archangel Michael, who is their patron and guardian. Archangel Michael has sent them to you on planet Earth. The indescribable love that these angels radiate is beautiful. You can feel their love immediately after you have invited them to you. You can feel a strong connection with them. ✨

These angels can heal and illuminate your lives, your life situations and your hidden issues with their clear energy of love. Their love helps you to bring even more love into your lives. It helps you to bring even more love into all situations that burden you. It brings a loving structure and order to your life. A vast amount of these beings have descended into the time period of this planet and are waiting to help you. The angels of clarity are waiting to grace you with their love and to love you. 💗 If you wish, you can use the following simple connection and short affirmation for contact with these beautiful divine beings: Focus on your heart and on your heart power. Connect with the light of your heart through your intention. Now feel the gratitude in your heart. Allow this beautiful feeling of gratitude to work in your heart. Spread the feeling of gratitude further into your body and then into your aura. Now say: “The light and gratitude of my heart open the spaces and times for contact with the angels of clarity. I allow the angels of clarity to enter all the spaces and times of my reality. I allow the angels of clarity to bring clarity to all the spaces and times of my overall reality. I accept their help with gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” ✨

Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian companions

✨Message from the Pleiadian beings for the new year 2024✨

✨Message from the Pleiadian beings for the new year 2024✨

“We call the year 2024 ‘the year of clarity’. ✨

 The connection with the sacred light structures of the universe, which began at the end of 2023, will inevitably bring more clarity and more structures into people’s lives. Many systems of humans and human society will be brought into divine natural order. It is not only the connections to the luminous geometric forms of the universe that will provide clarity this year. The neutralization of various low vibrational dimensions and timelines will also bring more clarity and more light into people’s lives. People will be able to feel an increasing spiritual and conscious connection with each other. They will feel the clear energy that human hearts radiate. The clear energy of hearts will connect more and more people with each other, because every day thousands of people are waking up and remember their pure essence and clear heart energy. People of good will who radiate clear heart energy will feel even more attracted to each other than before. People with clear and pure hearts will be attracted to each other and cannot miss each other. Everything will become clearer and clearer. The law of resonance will be much more noticeable on this planet from this year onwards. In all directions of human life.

You can find the complete message here: Complete Message.

Good luck and joy in your new year 2024.

Your Pleiadian companions ✨

✨ Message from the Pleiadian beings for the new year 2024 ✨

✨ Message from the Pleiadian beings for the new year 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
It is a great honor for us to accompany you thanks to Pavlína.
We feel it is both an honor and a duty to share with you important information that you need to know. This information will help you to understand certain situations that you are experiencing.
It will help you to understand the energetic conditions in which you find yourselves as humanity.
In the autumn weeks of this year, after thousands of years of manipulation, your planet has managed to free itself from the timelines that were intended to throw planet Earth back into another period of enslavement and bondage.
The cosmic conditions, the expanded consciousness, and the intensity of light of a vast number of human individuals have contributed to this process of liberation.
An increased amount of extraterrestrial peace-loving civilizations have helped and are still helping in this process.
Planet Earth has liberated itself and stepped onto the path to positive energy and a positive future. There has been a real shift in time, which you are certainly feeling in your soul, mind, and body.
Cracks are appearing in the element of time. Space is beginning to multiply.
New dimensional spaces are being created for your future.
Your bodies, just like your planet Earth, can absorb the light frequencies of the surrounding planets after thousands of years of manipulation.
Just a few weeks ago, planet Earth was in a so-called energetic quarantine.
The cosmic frequencies did not have full access to it.
After an infinitely long time, your chakras are now experiencing an absolute connection to the energy of the surrounding planets.
Please do not be surprised if your chakras intensify and accelerate the release of issues that they have been carrying for a great number of your past lives. Don’t be surprised if your numerous life issues or the cleansing of your life issues sometimes come to a head. But your chakras – gateways to the cosmos – want to revive and reconnect to the energy of your galaxy after a long absence of full cosmic frequencies.
The surrounding planets of your solar system are also experiencing a return to their original order and light matrix. It is not only your planet Earth that has been manipulated by the dark forces.
Some of your solar system’s neighboring planets have also been manipulated.
A colossal cleansing and a colossal correction, supported by peace-loving extraterrestrial civilizations with the help of cosmic forces and cosmic laws, is currently in full swing.
A countless number of light beings and light frequencies are also bringing your planet and your surrounding planetary world into divine order.
Thanks to the exit of planet Earth from the artificially created matrix, the Cosmic Council has allowed the extraterrestrial civilizations and the light-filled, highly evolved beings to install and activate the light-filled Sacred Geometry on planet Earth during these weeks.
The Sacred Geometry or Signature, which consists of luminous circles, is the fundamental and sustaining signature that is found throughout the universe.
It is the consciousness database that is connected to everything and carries all the information of the divine, central intelligence.
All information is transmitted via these circles. All cosmic knowledge is encoded in them. Thanks to the installation and activation of this luminous signature, which you can imagine as the signature of the flower of life – consisting of an infinite number of circles – you will very soon feel a connection with your solar system, a connection with your galaxy and a connection with the infinity of the cosmos. You will feel a connection with knowledge, a connection with the light and love of the center source. You will feel a connection with yourself.
The optimal connection to this luminous signature comes through your heart. Through the sacred space of your heart. You will feel the connection with everything essential through your pure heart.
The installation and activation of Sacred Geometry on the planet is already underway and will be completed by the spring months of 2024 at the latest.
We would therefore like to draw your attention to the fact that everyone should, if possible, carry out an official farewell to everything negative and to all programmes that hinder your connection to the cosmos by the end of the year.
Through this official farewell or through this ritual, you can energetically close this human year and bless it and enter the new year 2024 with the new connection to the energy of light.
After the installation and activation of sacred geometry, the earth will be energetically connected to the divine, cosmic order.
This means that humans and the systems of the human community will also connect to the divine order at an accelerated rate.
It will be even more clearly recognizable who has connected to the positive laws of the cosmos, to the order and structure of sacred geometry via the pure heart.
The year 2024 will bring even more insights, even more structure, and more clarity.
In relationships, in life, in life situations. It will bring clarity to the system of the body and the system of the chakras.
The installation and activation of Sacred Geometry on planet Earth will bring you an increased connection with nature and of course an increased connection with the oceans and a holistic connection with the element of water. Thanks to this, your DNA will heal and regenerate even faster than before.
Your bodies will be given the opportunity to rejuvenate and gain stronger health.
It is necessary to cleanse and release your own negative issues. It is necessary to feel and act with the heart. It is necessary to return to what the human being is – a pure, loving, and joyful being.
You are returning to your order. You are returning to your origin. Your path forward and the path to higher dimensions of consciousness is unstoppable.
Become members of the cosmic families and their worlds where positive order, clear structure and loving awareness of their most natural essences prevail.
We accompany you step by step. We accompany you and rejoice in each of your successes.
We wish you a happy and joyful 2024. We bless your path, we bless your human lives, we bless your planet.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions ✨



My Dears,

lately I have often shared information from my Pleiadian companions and information from my light-filled team. Information, which is of total planetary and cosmic processes.

These processes affect practically all of us, they affect all men, all women and all children of this planet. It does not matter in which part of our earthly path we are at the moment. In the last text, which I published on social media and on my website in November 2023, I informed you about the mass ascension from the artificially created matrix and its incipient disintegration. I have informed you about phenomena that accompany us in this process. I have written about processes that accompany us as we step out of the current period.

I would like to dedicate this text above all to women, because in my seminars and in my work for the public, I often receive questions about phenomena concerning female power and the function of female organs. Many women also ask me questions about why miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy happen more often these days than before, and why periods are irregular or come back during menopause. For a few months now, the artificial matrix has been replaced by the new, light-filled matrix in a colossal correction and the surrounding planets of our solar system are being energetically cleansed. A correction of the energy and frequency of the moon is also taking place at the moment, about which we will certainly receive more information very soon, which is still being withheld from the public. Many extraterrestrial peace-loving civilizations are involved in the process of energetic cleansing and the return of the planets to their light-filled, natural matrix. Not only our planet Earth has been put into a deep, negative “sleep”, but also the surrounding planets. Some planets have even been connected to planet Earth by negative, artificially generated frequencies.

For us humans, this means that we have not been able to absorb 100 percent of the cosmic power into our chakras – into our gateways to the cosmos. Stepping out of the artificially created period and attaching oneself to the natural cosmic force of the surrounding planets results in an irregularity of the female period and a temporary chaos in the female power and in the female psyche. The already mentioned miscarriages also occur more often during this period than in the past. First, the mother’s body binds to the natural planetary systems of the Earth and to the natural systems of the surrounding planets, and second, it separates itself from the unnatural power of the moon to which her body has been tethered until now. Your body must first adapt to the newly arriving positive cosmic frequencies.

Further, I have been told by my Pleiadian companions that many miscarriages happen because the souls of the children who come to this planet are very luminous and highly evolved beings. These most light-filled souls are sometimes unable to stay in the mother’s body, because the physical matter of many women is not yet ready for such light-filled souls. I have been told that after a certain period of time and after a development of consciousness and physical illumination of the woman, the soul returns to the mother and merges with her body and with her consciousness during the period of pregnancy without any problems.

I was called upon by the beings of light to inform the women about this fact and to please them with these lines, as it is currently a development back to naturalness. Expectant mothers are advised by the Light Beings to go out into nature often, meditate and attract positive thinking and positive frequencies to themselves, so that the light of their overall systems increases and the souls of their children can return to them. During this time, another positive thing happens. Our human bodies are rejuvenating thanks to the incoming planetary positive frequencies. Our DNA regenerates and heals.

As a result, it is quite possible that – and many women have already experienced this situation – the woman’s body rejuvenates and her missed period comes back. In addition, it is also quite likely that women’s periods will not be as frequent in the future and the gaps between them increase.

I have already talked to many women about this phenomenon and many women have confirmed the previous statements.

Perhaps this information is still new and unexplored to many. But I am convinced that the human soul and human intuition understand this information.

As we can see, this period is unique, extraordinary and brings new phenomena and

opportunities that we hadn’t even thought about or had no idea about a few months ago. Let us open ourselves to the new possibilities and new positive cosmic frequencies that are coming to us and that are bringing us regeneration for our systems.

Not only the physical, but also the social systems.

Let’s connect to the positive cosmic light waves that are streaming towards our planet and that are bringing us unexpected possibilities for our future.

It is a great honor for me to accompany you through this time.

With love,

Pavlína Klemm

✨ Energy update ✨

✨ Energy update ✨

We are getting out of the artificially created matrix. ✨

 My dears, this time is magical and full of unexpected possibilities. We have been waiting for this for a long time and we have been preparing for it for a long time. Over many incarnations we have gained experience, we have been repeatedly punished for our views and for our healing work. I have been accompanying people in their spiritual and conscious development for many years. Every work with people and every seminar brings me new insights and experiences. ✨

 Because in every such work I am connected to my luminous team and to my Pleiadian companions. The information that comes to us thanks to them allows us to orientate ourselves better during this time. ✨

 These days – from the middle of November 2023 – I am receiving very clear information from the Pleiadians that we are beginning to exit the artificially created matrix and the fields of illusion! Finally! ✨

 We cut through the bonds we have been forced into. We ascend from the lower vibrational levels into the dimensions of higher consciousness. The artificially created matrix loses strength and large cracks appear in it. The Matrix can no longer be “patched together” and is becoming weaker and weaker, even if the dark side will try to keep it alive for a while. ✨

 And we will be able to transform the frequency of time that still plagues us step by step. This is one of the important factors that has kept us in the artificially created matrix so far. The Pleiadians and a countless number of light beings communicate brightly with our body systems so that they can more easily program themselves for lightness and for the new dimensions that are already waiting for us. ✨

 So – actual steps of ascension are happening these days. Therefore, let us not be surprised at the large number of phenomena that we have not encountered before. For example, memory loss, disorientation in time and space, physical abnormalities or different sleeping habits than before. ✨

 Everything is changing and our flexibility in thinking and acting is more urgent than ever. ✨

️ We are connected in our hearts, greetings Pavlina ✨



In this autumn season, planet Earth is returning to its original light matrix. A shift in space and time takes place. The planet connects to its original holographic, divine imprint, which resides in the space of your perception. An unimaginable amount of manipulatively planned timelines to which planet Earth was tethered has been severed by the aforementioned return to the original time period. It could be compared to liberation from the shackles of dark beings. Tremendous processes of energetic cleansing that are taking place behind the scenes of your human perception and vision are bringing planet Earth and the neighboring planets of your solar constellation back into the original matrix of light. We informed you about this in the September message.

Line after line, once activated by the dark forces that connected the Earth to the reality of darkness, has been broken. Your Earth and her soul Gaia have just started the activation of self-healing abilities and they have begun to specifically cleanse their aura. Help your planet and let the light of its energetic surface shine so that the energetic cracks in its aura can close again and fill with cosmic light. At this time, the “other side” is intensifying its outdated techniques in order to hide from you as best as possible the heightened, luminous activation and beauty of your planet’s atmosphere. You can observe these actions in your skies…

The positive side neutralizes negative substances in the air during such actions of the other side. That is why your skies are sometimes completely overcast. Neutralization is in full swing in these cases. The aura or energetic shell of your planet will very soon begin to shine in beautiful light and colors that have been hidden from your view. The Earth has connected itself to the light vibration of the cosmos. This majestic light will soon be shown to you strongly. We have already informed you about these phenomena several times. In some parts of your planet, these lights have already been seen by your eyes. Planet Earth is returning to its original order, and so are you humans who have chosen your original order.

When you help your planet, you also help yourself.

Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian companions ⭐️⭐⭐

Channeled by Pavlína Klemm, 04.10.2023