✨ Message March 2025 ✨
First information about the central crystal in the depths of our planet and activation of the language of light
Dear messengers of light,
we are reporting again from our starry spheres. We bring you some new information to support you in this time of change. This
This message does not only concern the month of March, because the energetic changes
taking place on this planet cannot be delineated in exact time periods.
We know about the tremendous changes that are taking place on this planet and how
they are affecting your personal systems. We know that these changes often cost you a lot of strength. Even though in this revolutionary time, a whole series of great, positive changes are taking place, your personal systems must first adapt to these changes.
Thanks to the cosmic light processes and frequencies, countless thought programmes and karmic issues of humanity are moving into previously prepared spaces, where they are neutralised in light-filled energy.
The timelines of each individual human being are ‘recalculated’ and their
direction and the intensity of the direction are programmed. Depending on the
decision that each individual has made. Many negative energetic systems that have previously influenced society on Earth are gradually changing their vibration step by step change into a positive one and connect with new forms of consciousness that humanity has developed during this time and continues to develop.
Your cells must also adapt to these changes. They must adapt to the new vibration of the Earth and to the new consciousness energy of the collective.
Your cells increasingly release stress and at the same time they receive and
encode new crystalline light information into them, which gradually merges them with the crystalline light of the universe and planet Earth.
Our advice to you is – consciously separate yourselves from the negative collective field
and only allow light-filled information and new thought forms into your systems that wish to connect and merge with you.
Even if this important time is often difficult because almost all of your systems
systems have to adapt to the changes, the beings of the cosmic and light world are walking with you through this time and are preparing many processes in the background that will serve your overall global and consciousness development.
We will inform you regularly about the energetic processes and about the help of the cosmic beings of light.
Today we would like to inform you of another significant event that will soon
influence your further development of consciousness.
Very deep in the earth, under the Himalayan mountains, there is a gigantic central crystal
that carries a higher form of consciousness of knowledge. It carries the knowledge of cosmic intelligence and all knowledge about the planet Earth and its population. In a way, it is a database. The
central crystal has been inside the earth for thousands of years.
At the time of Atlantis, it was brought to the planet by extraterrestrial beings through dimensional gates. The Atlantean beings of higher consciousness watch over him, together with many peace-loving civilisations of higher levels of consciousness living within the Earth. All these civilisations
are co-operating with the Cosmic Council and have allowed us to bring you this
first information to you.
This crystal communicates with all crystal orbits and systems and with all crystals on this planet. It communicates with everything and with everyone who has a crystalline structure and crystalline consciousness. It also communicates with your DNA, as your DNA is also crystalline in structure.
The centre crystal is transparent and when you consciously connect with it,
the spaces open up into the world of crystal consciousness and you can have the
feeling that you are in the rooms of this crystal.
This central crystal, in which all the knowledge of humanity and the cosmos
is stored, is able to communicate with you. For the time being and above all
especially in sacred and energetically strong places on this planet. Because these places
are energetically connected to him via the crystal lines.
Soon, however, his next task will await him. The Cosmic Council, which recognises the
energetic value of the development of humanity’s consciousness, shares the following information:
‘On 21st June 2025, there is a planetary and stellar constellation that will help with the
growth of the consciousness of humanity. Thanks to the central crystal
this first activation of the language of light occurs in people who are consciously ready for it.
The language of light is the language of light forms. It is a language of telepathy of passing on light vibrations – of words that your heart and mind can decipher.
The beginning of the global activation of the language of light is inevitable for
communication with extraterrestrial civilisations that are already preparing to visit and
contact with you. The language of light strengthens the understanding
for your beings of light, because they also send you their subtle words in the form of
vibrating geometric forms.
The language of light also strengthens your understanding of other people in your environment.
The language of light is a language of love and light in the form ofvibrating forms of light.’
The centre crystal is a being with a higher form of intelligence. We will continue to inform you about further possibilities that the Central Crystal opens up for you. In the meantime, we have been authorised by the Cosmic Council to pass this initial information on to you.
Let this information sink in and take it into your reality.
Connect with the light form of this majestic crystal by virtue of your heart and your intention.
On 21st June 2025, we will be with you and accompany you in the first activation of the
Light language with all who are ready for it.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Orella and Pleiadian companions🌟
(Channeling from Pavlína Klemm)