✨ Message October 2024 ✨

✨ Message October 2024 ✨

‘Dear messengers of light,

we greet you from our cosmic heights and dimensions.
We would like to draw your attention to further cosmic activities that will increasingly set earthly events in motion.
The highly vibrating cosmic light that is streaming onto your planet will connect more and more with the light energy of human beings and bring them an increased need to follow the truth and the path of true realisation.
This cosmic light that has now found its way to you is accompanied by the frequency of divine justice and divine knowledge of its own nature.
Many people will therefore find within themselves an increased need and courage to follow the truth in search of its revelation. They will search for everything that carries justice and is built on a foundation of independence and authenticity.
Many people will feel a strength and determination in themselves through this cosmic light that they have not known before.
Many people will increasingly recognise what is not based on truth and what has been artificially created.
The luminous vibration of this cosmic light connects with the vibration of your solar plexus chakra and thereby activates or deepens the intuition and intuitive perception within you.
The cosmic light that will now flow to you through the opened and activated portals will help people to find the purest in themselves and in their surroundings. You could say that this will initiate the next step in humanity’s ‘light revolution’, which will contribute to discovering the truth and finding what is essential.
From a higher perspective, this next step could be linked to a further successful exit from the realms of illusion and lies.
It is possible that these steps will bring human society into further ‘movement’, but be aware that every movement of human society, accompanied by the power of the cosmos and its light frequencies, ultimately leads to a bright future.
We are with you and we accompany you.
Your Pleiadian companions


Suitable affirmations to activate your intuition:
‘I am absolutely connected to the frequency of my own intuition.’
‘I raise the frequency of my own intuition through the power of my will’
‘The purest cosmic light activates my intuition.

✨ Message of the Pleiadian Beings ✨

✨ Message of the Pleiadian Beings ✨

‚Good functioning of the chakras helps people to develop their consciousness. The information of divine intelligence can flow to the person in a targeted way and the chakras can decode it more easily. Your chakras are like deciphering „organs“ full of light for the information of divine intelligence. ✨

When functioning well, your chakras are portals of light through which you can virtually travel to other worlds and other realities. All you need to do is connect to the individual chakra – the portal. ✨

In each chakra, there are entrances to worlds in different dimensions of you. You can virtually travel into the past and also into the future in them. But you can also use the power of this moment and connect with your present. ✨

 The portals of your chakras connect you with your soul, your spirit, your body and the wider events of your subtle and physical world. ✨

 The Pleiadians (…and your Pavlina Klemm)

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
we are contacting you again to bring you a message for the coming time.
Through the portals that planet Earth has opened, cosmic frequencies and their information are flowing directly into the interior of the planet. Every particle of planet Earth – its interior and its surface – absorbs cosmic information and amplifies its light. Even forms that seem ‘lifeless’ to you, such as stones and minerals, increase their light vibration and literally come to life. The mineral world will once again be able to communicate with you as it did in earlier times. The mineral world will regain its ability to communicate and transmit clear information to those who connect with it.
With a high cosmic vibration, the planet Earth is beginning to revitalise all its realms and all its elements – water, air, earth and fire.
The natural elements that rule planet Earth will return to their nature and turn away from the manipulations that have been forced upon them by dishonest people or beings.
The water will feel a relentless desire to return to its original riverbed.
The air will feel the desire to be absolutely purified and rid itself of all manipulative and destructive elements. It will desire to connect with the purity of the cosmos.
The earth element will connect more and more with the cosmic light information and its properties.
And the fire will stop serving the people or beings who abuse its burning power.
The beings of light who are responsible for the elements of nature will receive support from the world of light and its beings. That which has been artificially created and does not serve the order and benefit of human society will be restored to its original form. The elements of planet Earth can no longer be exploited and manipulated. One could say that the ‘divine hand’ will intervene to bring the elements of planet Earth back into their natural order and serve humanity as it was planned by divine intelligence. Step by step, everything is returning to its natural state.
Be open to the changes that will temporarily take place on this planet. Be open to the fact that the coming changes will bring order to planet Earth and to human society. Be aware that a higher form of intelligence is watching over you.
We are with you and with you.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions

✨ Message August 2024 ✨

✨ Message August 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

a powerful time of light awaits you in the month of August. You could say – a time of the positive influx of light! Your globe will absorb so much cosmic light that the remaining dark elements that are within it and on its surface will truly collapse with this luminous intensity.

The power and intensity of the light is so enormous that the dark elements – and it does not matter what kind they are or where these dark elements are located – will truly come into motion or momentum. The light particles bring everything with low frequency or dark vibrations into motion.

You can therefore imagine that the influx of light brings a huge transformation and then an integration of the light and its luminous qualities in different parts and communities of your planet.

Many hidden or concealed emotions and thoughts within people are also coming to the surface. Many people will be thrown off balance during this time. Many people will experience states of restlessness, sadness, psychological depression or, on the contrary, states of nervousness and even aggression that people have never experienced before. Many hidden emotions and thoughts that a person has carried within them for their entire earthly incarnation can come to light during this time, because the cosmic light reaches into the inner soul of the human spirit and body. Physical symptoms of various kinds can also occur.

The whole world will “move” more than before, because the incoming light makes everything visible that is not light-filled, loving and, above all, not truthful. The truth is coming more and more to the surface. It can no longer be stopped by anything. Each of you who perceives intuitively can confirm this process and feel it.

Truth is an enormous divine greatness that carries an independent, sustaining power within it. A lie, on the other hand, is a greatness that does not come from the divine source. A lie must be constantly nourished so that it can exist and work. Truth absorbs the elements of a lie in its light and in its power. It comes to you as a huge wave of light, together with the cosmic light, and transforms and neutralises what is not part of the divine order on this planet. Remain in your trust. Truth is stronger than darkness and lies. At this time it is very good to ground yourself and connect with the earth as the cosmic light is present in abundance on planet Earth at this moment. It is necessary to maintain the balance between the earth and the cosmos through grounding.

All trees help you to ground yourself. The oak tree in particular helps you to transition into the new, light-filled vibrations of the earth. The camomile brings you the strength and love of a mother. St John’s wort gives you the strength and protection of a father.

Connect with the beings of the flowers and trees. Realise that every plant, every tree, every mineral and every other element of the earth carries different properties that can help you on your path to the light.

Every plant being and every natural element is connected to the vibration and energy of the divine source and brings you a connection with the divine, magnificent power. They bring you an integration of your original divine qualities.

We are with you and accompany you.

Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian companions

✨ Message July 2024 ✨

✨ Message July 2024 ✨

‘Dear messengers of light,

we greet you from our dimensions and welcome you to the summery month of July. The days of this month will illuminate your systems with their subtle, radiant light. And the systems of your soul will feel joyful and happy. The frequencies of your planet are becoming more subtle and light-filled. Your body cells resonate with this light and pass this light on to your spirit. Thoughts that do not belong to you or that come to you from the collective negative consciousness can be transformed very quickly in this light. The light and the light-filled frequencies have more power and stability than dark energies.

In the summer weeks and months, you have a wonderful opportunity to free yourself from burdens that may still be tormenting you. The light that is increasingly coming to you from the cosmos will help you in this process. The sun, which is a portal to parallel worlds in the universe and a portal to divine intelligence, will also help you heal.

Due to its subtle and light-filled frequency, this month is particularly well suited for cleansing and healing all parts of your soul that belong to your soul family. Every human soul is multidimensional and is not only located within yourself, but also includes parts of your soul that are located in other people or in other times and spaces. Through the subtle, light-filled frequency of July, you have the opportunity to cleanse and heal all parts of your soul. Your soul is very intelligent and in this moment – in the here and now – it connects with its other parts by virtue of its light. It doesn’t matter what space and time they are in.

By shining light through your soul and all the parts of your soul that belong to you, you bring light and crystalline information not only to yourself, but to your entire soul family. Your illuminated soul and the other parts of your soul bring relief and strength to the entirety of the collective.

The time you are entering is synonymous with the power of the collective and the positive power of the collective. Each energy work you do illuminates a part of the collective field of humanity and its consciousness. As you work with the parts of your multidimensional soul, you receive healing and illumination on many levels of your being and the being of your entire soul family.

The light and energy of your soul family can be reflected as an imprint in the consciousness of the collective field of humanity. Spend as much time as possible in nature and integrate the lightful codes and information of the sun and the cosmos into all your systems.

You can use the following exercise to illuminate all the parts of your soul that belong to you:

Illuminate your heart with golden, crystalline light.

Ask your soul to connect energetically with your heart.

Imagine how the light of your soul expands and connects with different time periods and with people who belong to your soul family.

Say the words “here and now” several times in succession. These words connect you with the infinity and eternity of the world of light.

Now say this affirmation several times in succession:

“Here and now I illuminate and heal all soul parts of my soul family with the love and light of my soul.

The illumination and healing happens here and now and in all time periods of my

overall reality. My soul and all parts of my soul shine in crystalline light.

My soul is radiant and connected to the crystal systems of the universe.”

To support the healing process, you can charge your favourite crystal in sunlight. (It is best to use a transparent, clear crystal.) Then place your crystal on your heart and allow the sun frequencies to pass into all the spaces of your heart and soul.

Peace with you, peace with us,

Your Pleiadian companions’ ✨

✨ Message June 2024 ✨

✨ Message June 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

The summer days are coming, the days are getting longer and more and more cosmic light information is coming to you. Your cells are receiving cosmic light and are programming themselves to receive the light information of cosmic knowledge and cosmic vibration.

Even the tiny particles of your bodies, such as molecules and atoms, are beginning to vibrate faster than before. Your bodies are tapping into new cosmic frequencies. They are releasing countless burdens and preparing to vibrate in light cosmic frequencies that they have not had access to before. Your bodies are in a phase in which they are gradually finding their original power. They are connecting to their original divine essence and to their original perfect holograms created by divine intelligence. The more light your cells carry, the more divine holograms of absolute perfection your bodies can attract and connect with.

Speak to your bodies and allow them to find their original power and their original essence of the divine source. Speak to the intelligence of your bodies and allow them to release the burdens of various issues that are preventing your cells from connecting to your divine light signature. Speak to the consciousness of your chakras and allow them to release the low vibrational programmes that are preventing you from connecting with the information of the neighbouring planets.

If you are currently experiencing discomfort, please see this as a temporary condition. Your bodies are able to regenerate. Your bodies carry the cosmic intelligence within them.

Bless your bodies, bless your absolute health and your regeneration.

If you want to support your bodies, you can use the following affirmation. It is best to say it out loud several times in succession.

“I bless every cell of my body.

Every cell of my body receives cosmic light and cosmic information.

The cosmic power of life and eternity flows through my body.

I bless my body on every level of my being.”

Your Pleiadian Acompanions

✨ Message May 2024 ✨

✨ Message May 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
we greet you from our time period, which is not far from yours. Although we are temporarily communicating with you telepathically, we are in a time period that is beginning to merge in frequency with your time period. Not only are we approaching you energetically, but we are also approaching you physically.
We are very much looking forward to physical contact with you and we are energetically and lovingly preparing each of you who are ready for contact with us.
Our frequencies will flow through your personal systems and your home whenever you connect with us mentally.

We look forward to the time when we can physically enter your physical world. No doubt you have noticed how often flying objects are seen in your skies. Surely you have not failed to notice how many photographs throughout your planet have captured and confirmed the presence of extraterrestrial civilisations.

We are aware of how many people are already waiting for the physical visit.
We are aware that many human beings do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial peoples and reject any news or information about them.
However, we are also aware that many people connect with us telepathically and that they are ready for our first official visit.

We have been granted permission by the Cosmic Council to enter the atmospheric spaces of your planet. This has also been permitted by other civilisations who come here with the task of helping and realising peaceful projects. These extraterrestrial civilisations are working together and creating new programmes to help humanity evolve in consciousness.

Many of these peace-loving extraterrestrial civilisations are giving you light information from their position in atmospheric space that will help to open the energetic space of your heart and thus strengthen the overall connection to the light-filled cosmic world.
It is a complex programme of raising the consciousness of people who are ready for it. Everything is based on love, on the frequency of love.
Many people remember very quickly because the light information and impulses strengthen the development of their spiritual level.

Thanks to the installation and activation of the signature of lightful sacred geometry on your planet – we informed you about this fact in the last message – it is easier for us and for other extraterrestrial civilisations to give you light information because your personal systems are connected to the systems of lightful cosmic geometry. Your evolved consciousness and your pure heart connect you to these light-filled systems.

It is therefore easier for us to reach you. Through the luminous circles that make up this matrix of light, not only our information and the information of other highly developed extraterrestrial civilisations flows to you, but also the information of cosmic intelligence. The information of the beings of light flows to you.

You could say that through this help that you are currently receiving from the extraterrestrial civilisations, another huge step in the development of your consciousness and in the connection to the information of cosmic intelligence and the divine source is imminent.
Divine Source is progressing with you step by step, as the human collective is well able to carry it.
It is important to remember that just a few months ago in your time on Earth, planet Earth was in an energetic quarantine and cosmic frequencies and cosmic knowledge did not have as much access to the human community as they do today.

We would like to inform you about another cosmic phenomenon. A huge photon object has been moving through your solar system for quite some time – a light-filled object that could be compared to a huge cloud of light or a light-filled nebula. The planet Earth, which has emerged from the energetic quarantine, is able to absorb photon particles from this energetic cosmic object at this time. The magnitude of this photon phenomenon is so enormous that several more generations of human civilisation will be born until this cloud passes away or moves on to other systems in your galaxy. Your planet and your solar system are in a radiant light full of cosmic information.
From this you can deduce that the gradual raising of human consciousness and the raising of the frequency of human physical bodies is occurring naturally and in harmony with cosmic processes.

We assume that this cosmic process, which will continue to influence you positively and which will also influence a few more generations, will also bring purification and enlightenment and will bring overall stability to the being of humanity in the future.
Your physical and energetic bodies can gradually become acclimatised to the cosmic light and its frequency.
Step by step, your soul and your spirit can connect with the light-filled information of the cosmos and with the light-filled information of the extraterrestrial civilisations that will help you and accompany you on your path to your light-filled essence.
Release everything of low vibration that burdens you and thereby connect to the light of the cosmic world.
We look forward to every contact with you. We accompany you.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions ✨

✨ Message April 2024 ✨

✨ Message April 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

you are in a time of expansion of your consciousness. Your inner perception connects with the outside world and through this you connect more and more with the world of the cosmos and its infinite possibilities.

The world of the cosmos is diverse, colorful and infinite, and your consciousness is also gradually connecting with the infinity of the cosmos and with its multiplicity and colorfulness.

We cannot say exactly how long it will take for each individual human being to fully connect with the spaces of the higher dimensions of consciousness and with their living and luminous forms. However, we can say with certainty that each of you who has come to this planet with the task of connecting the light of your soul with the light of the cosmos is progressing incredibly fast in your current evolution.

These days connect you even more deeply to your plan and to the mission for which you have come to this planet at this time. Thanks to the unique cosmic constellation, the energy and light information of the April days are encoded into the light matrix of your soul, into the light-filled intelligence of your mind and into the cellular memory of your body.

The amount of cosmic light coming to your planet is increasing and your systems are receiving great support for your overall ascension. We know how much these cosmic events sometimes exhaust you and take you to extremes. But be aware that your body, soul and spirit have not known such a situation before. It is a new energetic situation for them.

During this time, there is nothing more important than allowing yourself to rest, at least temporarily. Nothing plays a greater role than embracing the cosmic frequencies and their information in full physical power. Your body is currently depleting the energetic reserves of the low vibrating time of your past and connecting to new, high vibrating cosmic frequencies. This is the state that your body is experiencing for the first time in this unique form of your existence on this planet. You are in a state of energetic transition and you are attaching yourself to the divine order.

Unite your soul, mind and body into one. The unity of your whole connects you to the unity of the universe and to its divine order.

You can use a simple affirmation energetically programmed by us.

“The light of my soul connects me to the light of the cosmos.

The intelligence of my mind connects me to the intelligence of the cosmos.

The energy of my body connects me to the energy of the cosmos.

My soul, my mind and my body form a whole and a unity.”

A few words about the solar eclipse:

In America, energetic changes of global proportions are taking place. The solar eclipse has triggered an energetic process of a light-filled character, which is expanding with very great speed over the entire planet. The light of the cosmos connects with the light of planet Earth and reprograms everything that vibrates low to high vibration and full of light. This energetic situation is causing temporary chaos in numerous systems of human society that were not prepared for this state. Many other systems of the human community and many systems of planet Earth, on the other hand, were already prepared for this state and thus they will return to normal very quickly.

There is no need to develop anxiety or worry. Your trust and frequent connection with the cosmic world in the form of meditations facilitate and harmonize this energetic process.

These current global energetic processes are helping with the overall ascension.

Your Pleiadian companions ✨