✨ Message February 2025 ✨

✨ Message February 2025 ✨

Convergence of Light on February 17, 2025 

 Dear Light Messengers!

We greet you from our stellar heights and dimensions. Great, colossal changes are taking place all over the planet. Each change contributes to the mosaic of humanity’s unfolding and will ultimately lead to a positive outcome. The evolution of human society as a whole develops in a spiraling energetic form. This spiral moves faster or slower, depending on the course of human events. The development of collective human consciousness and the number of people who unite their heart power and light energy at the same moment play a significant role in this process. Your light energy connects with the collective consciousness of humanity and the spiral of evolution, propelling humanity forward and upward through its own rotational force. The collective joining of people through their heart and light power, especially in times of meditation, supports the luminous evolution of humanity and links it to the consciousness realms of the cosmos.

The power of people coming together in meditation creates an immense force of light, capable of neutralizing the collective negative experiences of humanity within its radiance. The negative fields of deception, manipulation, illusion, war memories, and other negativities can be transformed through the light of group meditation. Let us, along with the light beings who accompany humanity in its spiritual evolution, unite with you in our shared light power and dissolve humanity’s negative memories in the light of our physical and subtle hearts. Let us move forward together in evolution. Let us meditate and work together on Monday, February 17, 2025, from 9:00 PM to 9:20 PM 

 Let us spread our collective light into all spaces and dimensions of human society. Guidance for the meditation: 

️ Before the meditation, connect with your entire team of light beings. 

️ Connect with Archangel Michael, who oversees the spiritual evolution of humanity. 

️ Connect with Archangel Metatron, the guardian of humanity and Planet Earth. 

️ Ignite the light of your heart at the moment of the collective meditation. 

️ Let the light of your heart expand into all times and spaces of your reality. Become a star of light on this planet. Through your intention, connect the light of your heart with the light of others who are meditating at the same time. 

️ Connect the light of your heart with all the light beings who accompany you. Become stars of light on this planet. Your shared light will illuminate your collective past, present, and future. Time and space are one. 

️ Bless the light of your heart and soul. 

️ Bless your being and existence. 

️ Bless your physical and light family. 

️ Bless all women, men, and children on this planet. 

️ Bless all children who are preparing to incarnate on Earth. We look forward to connecting with you to illuminate the shared dimensions of your complex being. Peace be with you, peace be with us. Your Pleiadian companions (…and your Pavlina Klemm) 

Note from translator: This weekly Monday Meditation from 9:00-9:20PM local time is practiced by thousands of people worldwide, especially in all German speaking countries, where the books by bestselling author Pavlina Klemm were first published. Please join us, and share this message if you feel called upon to do so.

✨ New Year’s message 2025 ✨

✨ New Year’s message 2025 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
We greet you from our star planes and bring you a message for your new earthly year 2025.
We have named this year the ‘Year of Integration’.
During 2025, countless cosmic frequencies will come to you that will uplift your being on all levels.
You will receive luminous cosmic information that will expand your consciousness and strengthen your connection with the cosmic world.
The divine imprints – holograms – that will come to you through the open and activated portals from the divine source will help you to develop your divine perfection and they will bring you everything that belongs to you.
The divine holograms that will come to you in the form of radiant, subtle geometric shapes will connect with your systems. Your body, mind and spirit will integrate them into all their systems.
The Cosmic Council is very pleased to be able to share this information with you. For the divine holograms will flow through your ether and each of you will be able to connect with them. These holograms carry light, love, cosmic frequencies, sounds, colours and everything essential that is in the divine source and that connects you to it.

The divine holograms, which will merge with your systems, will bring you your perfection, the development of your DNA, health, creative power, the development of your subtle perception and everything you need for your development. Above all, sojourns in nature will enable you to integrate the divine holograms into your life.
The influx of luminous energies and information helps to purify human civilisation and at the same time helps it to raise its consciousness by another level.
The consciousness of humanity, which reconnected with the consciousness of peace-loving extraterrestrial civilisations for the first time since the fall of Atlantis in November 2024, will increase its intensity even more.
Each of you has the opportunity to connect to the positive collective field of humanity through your intention. This will allow the cosmic energy to connect more strongly with your consciousness. This will allow each of you to feel a huge influx of life force in this new year. The life energy will come to you in waves and you will be able to enjoy this empowering energy that you have been waiting for.
You are the ones who are able to integrate it into the systems of your mind and soul.

Another great cosmic event that will help the collective of your civilisation is the return of the lost words of the German language. Not only the holograms of the divine source, but also the holograms of the words that were taken from the German speaking people will come to your systems. The words that were once taken from the German language by the dark forces are keys to knowledge and keys to rediscovering your own freedom. The words, which initially come in subtle form, flow through your ether just like the divine imprints and connect with people who are able to integrate them into the systems of their spirit and soul.
These people will themselves become ‘keys’ to the lost knowledge and freedom of the soul.
The year of integration will be an important time period for the next evolutionary stages of the human soul, mind and body. Even though a countless amount of cosmic frequencies will come to your planet, it is necessary to get rid of negative issues that inhibit you in your consciousness evolution and that hinder you in the process of integration and connection with your divine perfection.

The year 2025 will bring you enormous positive opportunities that you should not miss out on.
This year will see major changes affecting the political, economic and financial systems. The changes come hand in hand with the thoughtful actions of peace-loving humans and peace-loving extraterrestrial civilisations participating in the overall consciousness evolution and liberation programmes of humanity.
Although the negative side will try to maintain its position and will endeavour to ensure that the planned changes are not implemented, the power and energy of the negative side will become weaker and weaker.
Do not allow your thought processes to connect with the fields of illusion, manipulation, lies and injustice. Stay in the fields of clarity, purity and truth.
You decide which direction you take and which morphogenetic fields you connect to. Believe that your thoughts become stronger with each passing day. With each day you have an increased capacity for manifestation. Please remember this phrase: ‘Energy follows the thoughts of your mind.’

In order for you to successfully connect to all the divine gifts that will come into your planet’s time frame, it is best to go out into nature as often as possible. Connect with the earth, connect with the element of air and with the element of water. Connect with the plants and with all beings of nature.
Connect with the subtle rays of the sun. For the sun is a portal for accessing the holographic imprints from the divine source to your planet.
By virtue of your intention, connect with all the cardinal points and with their angels, their patrons. North – element earth – Archangel Uriel. West – element water – Archangel Gabriel. East – element air – Archangel Rafael. South – element fire – Archangel Michael.
Connect with Archangel Metatron, who is the patron saint of your planet and its people.
Forgive with all your heart all those who have hurt you. Forgive yourself for hurting your soul through your actions.
Consciously connect to the moment of the here and now and thereby allow everything that connects you to your divine home to flow into your systems.
The year of integration is opening up for you right now.
Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian Guides ✨

(Channeling – Pavlína Klemm)

✨ Message December 2024 ✨

✨ Message December 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

the end of your earthly human year 2024 is approaching. This year has brought a wave of tremendous cosmic energy that has begun to illuminate many areas of human society. It has begun to illuminate, enlighten and bring clarity to people. We have called this year ‘the year of clarity’. The bright energy of the cosmos and the energy of the angels and light beings have brought clarity to human life, human relationships and human society. That which is not true and which is not in accordance with the cosmic laws of clarity, order and higher consciousness will not be able to remain on this globe for long and will sooner or later transform into a new, clear form.

The clear cosmic energy and the flood of cosmic energies have positively influenced the collective consciousness of humanity. Humanity has opened the gates to cosmic consciousness with its expanded consciousness.

In the past month of November, the consciousness of humanity has connected with the consciousness of peaceful extraterrestrial civilisations through positive world events. The first connection with the cosmic people living in your galactic system in subtle form has been achieved! For the first time since the fall of Atlantis, the connection of many cosmic people with human civilisation on the level of consciousness has been achieved!
This is an enormous milestone on the way to further progress in the connection of the cosmic people of this galaxy.
The Cosmic Higher Council regularly measures the energy level of humanity’s consciousness and has been very pleased with this gigantic manifestation.
The higher task of humanity in its future is to once again become full members of the cosmic community.
The first step towards the interconnectedness of the cosmic people – so far in a subtle form of consciousness – has been taken.
The consciousness of humanity has connected with the cosmic consciousness in a subtle way.

You are on the right path, focus on the positive and on the power of the positive collective. Don’t look back to a past that no longer serves you. Look forwards and move forward. The power of the cosmos accompanies you. If you are still carrying difficulties and burdensome issues with you, try to resolve and transform them with the power of love.
The next human year 2025 will be the ‘Year of Integration’.
Focus on moments of happiness and success that carry multidimensional power and connect you with the multidimensionality of the universe.
We are with you and we accompany you.
Your Pleiadian Companions ✨

The children of the future ✨👫👫👫🌎✨

The children of the future ✨👫👫👫🌎✨

‘The souls of the cosmic children who are preparing to incarnate on planet Earth are noble, wise, light-filled beings. They are looking forward to visiting this planet for the first time in their incarnation, where they have not been before. ✨

These children bring great divine gifts not only to their future families, but also to the entire human community and planet Earth. They bring divine frequencies that they carry in their loving, light-filled souls. ✨

These children are very much looking forward to coming down to this planet. They prepare for this arrival down to the last detail. They are preparing for the higher task they will fulfil here on this planet. They are specifically choosing their new family and are already connecting with them energetically and giving them impulses for their healing and for their development of consciousness. ✨🦋✨

The Pleiadians ✨ (…and your Pavlina Klemm) 🌹

✨ Interview: The Healing Energy and Power of the Pleiadians ✨

✨ Interview: The Healing Energy and Power of the Pleiadians ✨

Dear all, last year in August I was invited to Barb Crowley of ‘Metaphysics: A View Through The Veil’ for a wonderful interview. This will be rebroadcasted tomorrow (29th of November) at 1 pm pacific time. You are welcome to listen to the episode titled ‘The Healing Energy and Power of the Pleiadians’ at the following link:

Metaphysics: A View Through The Veil

✨ Message November 2024 ✨

✨ Message November 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
we are reporting from our heights and star dimensions.
Events on this planet are developing rapidly in a positive direction. Many people have been able to recognise that the evolution of humanity is progressing at an enormous speed and is connecting with a cosmic force that is giving it an unstoppable positive direction.

Another foundation has been written and engraved in the new chronicle of humanity. Step by step, the consciousness spaces of humanity are expanding and connecting with the consciousness of the universe. People who have chosen a positive future will go into a positive future.
It is always your choice and your intention that opens the door to the spaces of light and positivity.
Many peaceful extraterrestrial civilisations remind humanity daily of their own power and accompany them on their path.
They remind them that each person is their own creator. Not only his own creator, but the creator of humanity’s future.

We are very happy that many people have remembered their own self, their own power and the light of their soul. We are very happy that these people have triggered a light reaction on planet Earth that has illuminated the collective field of humanity.
We have informed you many times that humanity is embarking on a path towards the light and a positive future.
The events of November in your time period confirm the fact that our collective mission has yielded successful results and humanity has found within itself its own strength and its own power of manifestation.

It has found within itself the power to move inexorably forward.
Continue to connect with the cosmic light force and its information.
Embrace the changes that are coming your way with love in your hearts and minds.
Be ready for the new changes that will come little by little and bring you unexpected situations that will first open the horizons of your understanding and perception.
Be ready for situations that will open up paths to worlds and beings that you had access to in times long ago.

Step by step, everything will come in due time.

Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian companions 🌟

✨ Message October 2024 ✨

✨ Message October 2024 ✨

‘Dear messengers of light,

we greet you from our cosmic heights and dimensions.
We would like to draw your attention to further cosmic activities that will increasingly set earthly events in motion.
The highly vibrating cosmic light that is streaming onto your planet will connect more and more with the light energy of human beings and bring them an increased need to follow the truth and the path of true realisation.
This cosmic light that has now found its way to you is accompanied by the frequency of divine justice and divine knowledge of its own nature.
Many people will therefore find within themselves an increased need and courage to follow the truth in search of its revelation. They will search for everything that carries justice and is built on a foundation of independence and authenticity.
Many people will feel a strength and determination in themselves through this cosmic light that they have not known before.
Many people will increasingly recognise what is not based on truth and what has been artificially created.
The luminous vibration of this cosmic light connects with the vibration of your solar plexus chakra and thereby activates or deepens the intuition and intuitive perception within you.
The cosmic light that will now flow to you through the opened and activated portals will help people to find the purest in themselves and in their surroundings. You could say that this will initiate the next step in humanity’s ‘light revolution’, which will contribute to discovering the truth and finding what is essential.
From a higher perspective, this next step could be linked to a further successful exit from the realms of illusion and lies.
It is possible that these steps will bring human society into further ‘movement’, but be aware that every movement of human society, accompanied by the power of the cosmos and its light frequencies, ultimately leads to a bright future.
We are with you and we accompany you.
Your Pleiadian companions


Suitable affirmations to activate your intuition:
‘I am absolutely connected to the frequency of my own intuition.’
‘I raise the frequency of my own intuition through the power of my will’
‘The purest cosmic light activates my intuition.

✨ Message of the Pleiadian Beings ✨

✨ Message of the Pleiadian Beings ✨

‚Good functioning of the chakras helps people to develop their consciousness. The information of divine intelligence can flow to the person in a targeted way and the chakras can decode it more easily. Your chakras are like deciphering „organs“ full of light for the information of divine intelligence. ✨

When functioning well, your chakras are portals of light through which you can virtually travel to other worlds and other realities. All you need to do is connect to the individual chakra – the portal. ✨

In each chakra, there are entrances to worlds in different dimensions of you. You can virtually travel into the past and also into the future in them. But you can also use the power of this moment and connect with your present. ✨

 The portals of your chakras connect you with your soul, your spirit, your body and the wider events of your subtle and physical world. ✨

 The Pleiadians (…and your Pavlina Klemm)

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
we are contacting you again to bring you a message for the coming time.
Through the portals that planet Earth has opened, cosmic frequencies and their information are flowing directly into the interior of the planet. Every particle of planet Earth – its interior and its surface – absorbs cosmic information and amplifies its light. Even forms that seem ‘lifeless’ to you, such as stones and minerals, increase their light vibration and literally come to life. The mineral world will once again be able to communicate with you as it did in earlier times. The mineral world will regain its ability to communicate and transmit clear information to those who connect with it.
With a high cosmic vibration, the planet Earth is beginning to revitalise all its realms and all its elements – water, air, earth and fire.
The natural elements that rule planet Earth will return to their nature and turn away from the manipulations that have been forced upon them by dishonest people or beings.
The water will feel a relentless desire to return to its original riverbed.
The air will feel the desire to be absolutely purified and rid itself of all manipulative and destructive elements. It will desire to connect with the purity of the cosmos.
The earth element will connect more and more with the cosmic light information and its properties.
And the fire will stop serving the people or beings who abuse its burning power.
The beings of light who are responsible for the elements of nature will receive support from the world of light and its beings. That which has been artificially created and does not serve the order and benefit of human society will be restored to its original form. The elements of planet Earth can no longer be exploited and manipulated. One could say that the ‘divine hand’ will intervene to bring the elements of planet Earth back into their natural order and serve humanity as it was planned by divine intelligence. Step by step, everything is returning to its natural state.
Be open to the changes that will temporarily take place on this planet. Be open to the fact that the coming changes will bring order to planet Earth and to human society. Be aware that a higher form of intelligence is watching over you.
We are with you and with you.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions