✨ Message February 2025 ✨
Convergence of Light on February 17, 2025
Dear Light Messengers!
We greet you from our stellar heights and dimensions. Great, colossal changes are taking place all over the planet. Each change contributes to the mosaic of humanity’s unfolding and will ultimately lead to a positive outcome. The evolution of human society as a whole develops in a spiraling energetic form. This spiral moves faster or slower, depending on the course of human events. The development of collective human consciousness and the number of people who unite their heart power and light energy at the same moment play a significant role in this process. Your light energy connects with the collective consciousness of humanity and the spiral of evolution, propelling humanity forward and upward through its own rotational force. The collective joining of people through their heart and light power, especially in times of meditation, supports the luminous evolution of humanity and links it to the consciousness realms of the cosmos.
The power of people coming together in meditation creates an immense force of light, capable of neutralizing the collective negative experiences of humanity within its radiance. The negative fields of deception, manipulation, illusion, war memories, and other negativities can be transformed through the light of group meditation. Let us, along with the light beings who accompany humanity in its spiritual evolution, unite with you in our shared light power and dissolve humanity’s negative memories in the light of our physical and subtle hearts. Let us move forward together in evolution. Let us meditate and work together on Monday, February 17, 2025, from 9:00 PM to 9:20 PM
Let us spread our collective light into all spaces and dimensions of human society. Guidance for the meditation:
️ Before the meditation, connect with your entire team of light beings.
️ Connect with Archangel Michael, who oversees the spiritual evolution of humanity.
️ Connect with Archangel Metatron, the guardian of humanity and Planet Earth.
️ Ignite the light of your heart at the moment of the collective meditation.
️ Let the light of your heart expand into all times and spaces of your reality. Become a star of light on this planet. Through your intention, connect the light of your heart with the light of others who are meditating at the same time.
️ Connect the light of your heart with all the light beings who accompany you. Become stars of light on this planet. Your shared light will illuminate your collective past, present, and future. Time and space are one.
️ Bless the light of your heart and soul.
️ Bless your being and existence.
️ Bless your physical and light family.
️ Bless all women, men, and children on this planet.
️ Bless all children who are preparing to incarnate on Earth. We look forward to connecting with you to illuminate the shared dimensions of your complex being. Peace be with you, peace be with us. Your Pleiadian companions (…and your Pavlina Klemm)
Note from translator: This weekly Monday Meditation from 9:00-9:20PM local time is practiced by thousands of people worldwide, especially in all German speaking countries, where the books by bestselling author Pavlina Klemm were first published. Please join us, and share this message if you feel called upon to do so.