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Month: August 2024

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

✨ Message September 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,
we are contacting you again to bring you a message for the coming time.
Through the portals that planet Earth has opened, cosmic frequencies and their information are flowing directly into the interior of the planet. Every particle of planet Earth – its interior and its surface – absorbs cosmic information and amplifies its light. Even forms that seem ‘lifeless’ to you, such as stones and minerals, increase their light vibration and literally come to life. The mineral world will once again be able to communicate with you as it did in earlier times. The mineral world will regain its ability to communicate and transmit clear information to those who connect with it.
With a high cosmic vibration, the planet Earth is beginning to revitalise all its realms and all its elements – water, air, earth and fire.
The natural elements that rule planet Earth will return to their nature and turn away from the manipulations that have been forced upon them by dishonest people or beings.
The water will feel a relentless desire to return to its original riverbed.
The air will feel the desire to be absolutely purified and rid itself of all manipulative and destructive elements. It will desire to connect with the purity of the cosmos.
The earth element will connect more and more with the cosmic light information and its properties.
And the fire will stop serving the people or beings who abuse its burning power.
The beings of light who are responsible for the elements of nature will receive support from the world of light and its beings. That which has been artificially created and does not serve the order and benefit of human society will be restored to its original form. The elements of planet Earth can no longer be exploited and manipulated. One could say that the ‘divine hand’ will intervene to bring the elements of planet Earth back into their natural order and serve humanity as it was planned by divine intelligence. Step by step, everything is returning to its natural state.
Be open to the changes that will temporarily take place on this planet. Be open to the fact that the coming changes will bring order to planet Earth and to human society. Be aware that a higher form of intelligence is watching over you.
We are with you and with you.
Peace with you, peace with us.
Your Pleiadian companions

✨ Message August 2024 ✨

✨ Message August 2024 ✨

Dear messengers of light,

a powerful time of light awaits you in the month of August. You could say – a time of the positive influx of light! Your globe will absorb so much cosmic light that the remaining dark elements that are within it and on its surface will truly collapse with this luminous intensity.

The power and intensity of the light is so enormous that the dark elements – and it does not matter what kind they are or where these dark elements are located – will truly come into motion or momentum. The light particles bring everything with low frequency or dark vibrations into motion.

You can therefore imagine that the influx of light brings a huge transformation and then an integration of the light and its luminous qualities in different parts and communities of your planet.

Many hidden or concealed emotions and thoughts within people are also coming to the surface. Many people will be thrown off balance during this time. Many people will experience states of restlessness, sadness, psychological depression or, on the contrary, states of nervousness and even aggression that people have never experienced before. Many hidden emotions and thoughts that a person has carried within them for their entire earthly incarnation can come to light during this time, because the cosmic light reaches into the inner soul of the human spirit and body. Physical symptoms of various kinds can also occur.

The whole world will “move” more than before, because the incoming light makes everything visible that is not light-filled, loving and, above all, not truthful. The truth is coming more and more to the surface. It can no longer be stopped by anything. Each of you who perceives intuitively can confirm this process and feel it.

Truth is an enormous divine greatness that carries an independent, sustaining power within it. A lie, on the other hand, is a greatness that does not come from the divine source. A lie must be constantly nourished so that it can exist and work. Truth absorbs the elements of a lie in its light and in its power. It comes to you as a huge wave of light, together with the cosmic light, and transforms and neutralises what is not part of the divine order on this planet. Remain in your trust. Truth is stronger than darkness and lies. At this time it is very good to ground yourself and connect with the earth as the cosmic light is present in abundance on planet Earth at this moment. It is necessary to maintain the balance between the earth and the cosmos through grounding.

All trees help you to ground yourself. The oak tree in particular helps you to transition into the new, light-filled vibrations of the earth. The camomile brings you the strength and love of a mother. St John’s wort gives you the strength and protection of a father.

Connect with the beings of the flowers and trees. Realise that every plant, every tree, every mineral and every other element of the earth carries different properties that can help you on your path to the light.

Every plant being and every natural element is connected to the vibration and energy of the divine source and brings you a connection with the divine, magnificent power. They bring you an integration of your original divine qualities.

We are with you and accompany you.

Peace with you, peace with us.

Your Pleiadian companions